The chinchillas reaches about 26 cm. in length and 750 grams in weight. They have enormous, mysterious eyes and large whiskers that act as a guide during their numerous nocturnal voyages. Their bodies are small and pudgy, and their back legs are longer and more developed that the front ones. Though its scientific name suggest the contrary, this animal does not have wool but a fur that is long, thick and incredibly soft. This rodent have gray and white colors, with black stripes.
Chinchillas feed from more than 24 botanic species, specially herbs and grasses but apparently they don't drink anything in their wild state. Unlike other rodents, these are long-lived animals that can endure up to 15 years.
Family: Chinchillidae
Distribution: In a wild state, it can be found in Aucó, near Illapel (4th region), in Las Chinchillas National Reserve and in La Higuera, 100 km. North from Coquimbo.
Habitat: Its common habitat is found in mountainous zones, in dry and rocky terrains.