Measures 24 cm. The color of the upper parts including the head, neck, back, wings, and tail is smokey brown with a light greenish tint; rufescente back; superciliary line, chin, and wide off-white mostache-like band. Rufescente throat and upper part of the chest; the rest of the lower parts white with brown and black stripes, like flanks. Black beak and feet. Lives on slopes covered by thickets, from the coast to the secondary mountain ranges up to 3,000 m.

Family: Rhinocryptidae

Distribution: It can only be found in Chile. There are 2 subspecies: the turca (Pteroptochos megapodius megapodius), from the Elqui province to Concepción, and the northern turca (Pteroptochos megapodius atacamae) in the Huasco province. It is smaller and paler on all its inferior parts.

Habitat: Slopes covered by thickets, from the coast to the secondary mountain ranges up to 3,000 m.