The chapels of marble are characterized by being located on the pristine shores of Lake General Carrera and be one of the postcards more beautiful country. This makes them one of the most important tourist attractions in patagonia.
Carretera Austral Program6 Days
If you want to visit the Carretera Austral and don't know how to yet, you can stop searching because this is the perfect itinerary! You will see the Marble Chapels, the San Rafael Lagoon and Aguas Calientes of Ensenada Pérez in this…
- FromUS$1.650per person
- Compare
- Physical Very low
- Cultural Medium
- Nature Very high
- Nightlife N/A
Special Glaciers 7 nights8 Days
Check-in: Thursday, the program begins with Chapels, valid with the flight arriving until 10:30 a.m. Monday, the program ends with Chapels, valid with the departure of the flight from 3:30 p.m.
- FromUS$2.130per person
- Compare
- Physical Very low
- Cultural Very low
- Nature Very high
- Nightlife N/A
Marble Chapels Tour12 Hours
The Marble Chapels were declared a National Monument for being formations of mineral and carbonate of sodium. Come here and discover these natural caverns in a walk through the waters of General Carrera Lake.
- FromUS$138per person
- Compare
- Physical Very low
- Cultural Very low
- Nature Very high
- Nightlife N/A